Become a Vendor

2024 Vendor Holiday Market Applications are open.

Thank you for supporting your local farmers market!

If you are interested in becoming a Market vendor, please follow these steps:

1. Download and read the Market Regulations to see if you qualify.

2. Complete the appropriate forms:

a. If you are a GrowerVendor Application Form (closed), Product List, Harvest Schedule, and if you grow mushrooms – Mushroom Harvester Application and Mushroom Sales Application

b. If you are a Prepared Food Vendor/CrafterTemporary Event Application, Craft Application, Product List, and review/follow the Temporary Food Event Guidelines and Sample Servings Guidelines

c. If you would like to apply to become a Guest VendorGuest Vendor Application

d. If you would like to vend at the Holiday MarketHoliday Market Application, (open)

3. Mail the application form, required documents, attachments, and application fee to this address:
Friends of the Farmers Market

P.O. Box 568
Blacksburg, VA 24063

You may also email your completed application to

Application Form for the Holiday Market:

Application Forms for Growers:

Application Forms for Prepared Food Vendors/Crafters:

Application Form for Guest Vendors:

bread 2019